Academic articles 2024

McCarron A, Semple S, Swanson V, Braban CF, Gillespie C and Price HD (2024). “I have to stay inside …”: Experiences of air pollution for people with asthma. Health & Place, 85: 103150. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2023.103150

Maharaj T, Fitzgerald N, Gilligan E, Quirke M, MacHale S and Ryan JD (2024). Alcohol-related emergency department presentations and hospital admissions around the time of minimum unit pricing in Ireland. Public Health, 227: 38-41. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2023.11.016

Newall P, Allami Y, Andrade M, Ayton P, Baker-Frampton R, Bennett D, Browne M, Bunn C, Bush-Evans R, Chen S, Collard S, De Jans S, Derevensky J, Dowling NA, Dymond S, Froude A, Goyder E, Heirene RM, Hing N, Hudders L, Hunt K, James RJE, Li E, Ludvig EA, Marionneau V, McGrane E, Merkouris SS, Orford J, Parrado-González A, Pryce R, Rockloff M, Romild U, Rossi R, Russell AMT, Singmann H, Quosai TS, Stark S, Suomi A, Swanton TB, Talberg N, Thoma V, Torrance J, Tulloch C, van Holst RJ, Walasek L, Wardle H, West J, Wheaton J, Xiao LY, Young MM, Bellringer ME, Sharman S and Roberts A (2024). ‘No evidence of harm’ implies no evidence of safety: Framing the lack of causal evidence in gambling advertising research. [Letter] Addiction, 119(2):391-396. doi:10.1111/add.16369

Pesola F, Smith KM, Phillips-Waller A, Przulj D, Griffiths C, Walton R, McRobbie H, Coleman T, Lewis S, Whitemore R, Clark M, Ussher M, Sinclair L, Seager E, Cooper S, Bauld L, Naughton F, Sasieni P, Manyonda I and Hajek P (2024 Online). Safety of e-cigarettes and nicotine patches as stop-smoking aids in pregnancy: Secondary analysis of the Pregnancy Trial of E-cigarettes and Patches (PREP) randomized controlled trial. Addiction, online 17th January. doi:10.1111/add.16422

Chacon L, Mitchell G and Golder S (2024). The commercial promotion of electronic cigarettes on social media and its influence on positive perceptions of vaping and vaping behaviours in Anglophone countries: A scoping review. PLOS Global Public Health, 4(1): e0002736. doi:10.1371/journal.pgph.0002736

Nafees AA, Allana A, Kadir MM, Potts J, Minelli C, Semple S, De Matteis S, Burney P & Cullinan P (2024). A cluster randomised controlled trial to reduce respiratory effects of cotton dust exposure among textile workers: the MultiTex RCT study. The European Respiratory Journal, 63(1): 2301028. doi:10.1183/13993003.01028-2023

Goldsmith LP, Roberts A, Flohr C, Boyle RJ, Ussher M & Perkin M (2024). Routine infant skincare advice in the UK: A cross-sectional survey. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 54(1): 56-60. doi:10.1111/cea.14407

Manca F, Lewsey J, Mackay D, Angus C, Fitzpatrick D and Fitzgerald N (2024 Online). The effect of a minimum price per unit of alcohol in Scotland on alcohol-related ambulance call-outs: A controlled interrupted time-series analysis. Addiction, online 29th January. doi:10.1111/add.16436

Donin AS, Goldsmith LP, Sharp C, Wahlich C, Whincup PH and Ussher MH (2024). Identifying barriers and facilitators to increase fibre intakes in UK Primary school children and exploring the acceptability of intervention components: a UK qualitative study. Public Health Nutrition, 27(1): e59. doi:10.1017/S1368980024000089

Cook M, Critchlow N, O’Donnell R and MacLean S (2024). Alcohol’s contribution to climate change and other environmental degradation: a call for research. Health Promotion International, 39(1): daae004.

Fitzgerald N, Egan M, O’Donnell R, Nicholls J, Mahon L, de Vocht F, McQuire C, Angus C, Purves R, Henney M, Mohan A, Maani N, Shortt N and Bauld L (2024 Online). Public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland: the ExILEnS mixed-method, natural experiment evaluation. Public Health Research, online 7th February: 1-76. doi:10.3310/FSRT4135

Fitzgerald N, Mohan A, Purves R, O’Donnell R, Egan M, Nicholls J, Maani N, Smolar M, Fraser A, Briton T, Mahon L and the ExILEnS consortium (2024 Online). Factors influencing public health engagement in alcohol licensing in England and Scotland including legal and structural differences: comparative interview analysis. Public Health Research, online 7th February: 1-36. doi:10.3310/BGTR4277

Woods-Brown C, Hunt K and Sweeting H (2024). Bricolage as an expression of self and of cultural and familial foodways among people living in prison–’You make what you can with anything you can get’. Sociology of Health & Illness, 46(2):183-199. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13698

Goldsmith LP, Perkin MR, Wahlich C, Chandrasekaran L, Cornelius V, Boyle RJ, Flohr C, Roberts A, Willis K and Ussher M (2024). Development of an intervention for reducing infant bathing frequency. PLoS One, 19(2): e0298335. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0298335

Borgini A, Veronese C, De Marco C, Boffi R, Tittarelli A, Bertoldi M, Fernández E, Tigova O, Gallus S, Lugo A, Gorini G, Carreras G, López MJ, Continente X, Semple S, Dobson R, Clancy L, Keogan S, Tzortzi A, Vardavas C, Nicolás ÁL, Starchenko P, Soriano JB, Ruprecht AA and TackSHS Project Investigators (2024). Particulate matter in aerosols produced by two last generation electronic cigarettes: a comparison in a real-world environment. Pulmonology, 30(2):137-144. doi:10.1016/j.pulmoe.2021.03.005

Perkin MR, Ussher M, Goldsmith LP, Flohr C, Roberts A, Cornelius V, Wahlich C, Willis K and Boyle RJ (2024). BabyBathe study protocol: A randomised controlled feasibility trial to change baby bathing practice during the first months of life. [Letter] Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 55(5): 353-355. doi:10.1111/cea.14464

Critchlow N (2024). Commentary on Manthey et al.: No more missed opportunities-We need to address the absence of robust and comprehensive evaluations about the real-world impact of statutory restrictions on alcohol marketing. Addiction, 119(5): 812-14. doi:10.1111/add.16471

McMillan L, Gadsby E, Howell R, Ussher M, Hunt K and Ford A (2024 Online). Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on women’s access to and experiences of contraceptive services in England: a qualitative study. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, online 19th March. doi:10.1136/bmjsrh-2023-202206

Anderson E, Hunt K, Wild C, Nettleton S, Ziebland S & MacLean A (2024 Online). Episodic disability and adjustments for work: the ‘rehabilitative work’ of returning to employment with Long Covid. Disability & Society, online 26th March. doi:10.1080/09687599.2024.2331722

Wild C, MacLean A, Nettleton S, Hunt K and Ziebland S (2024). The double invisibility of Long Covid in children. Social Science & Medicine, 347: 116770. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.116770

Peña S, Wilkinson C, Aresi G, Barrett L, Boniface S, Fitzgerald N, Norambuena P, Paradis C, Román F and Sierralta P (2024). Alcohol policy changes during the first three-months of the COVID-19 pandemic: Development and application of a classification scheme. International Journal of Drug Policy, 127: 104373. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104373

Novak J, Jurkova K, Lojkaskova A, Jaklova A, Kuhnova J, Pfeiferova M, Kral N, Janek M, Omcirk D, Malisova K, Maes I, Dyck DV, Wahlich C, Ussher M, Elavsky S, Cimler R, Pelclova J, Tufano JJ, Steffl M, Seifert B, Yates T, Harris T, Vetrovsky T (2024). Participatory development of an mHealth intervention delivered in general practice to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour of patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (ENERGISED). BMC Public Health, 24: 927. doi:10.1186/s12889-024-18384-2

McCarron A, Semple S, Swanson V, Gillespie C, Braban C & Price HD (2024 Online). Piloting co-developed behaviour change interventions to reduce exposure to air pollution and improve self-reported asthma-related health. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, online 12th April. doi:10.1038/s41370-024-00661-2

Critchlow N, Holmes J and Fitzgerald N (2024 Online). Alibi marketing? Surrogate marketing? Brand sharing? What is the correct terminology to discuss marketing for alcohol-free and low-alcohol products which share branding with regular strength alcohol products? [Editorial] Addiction, online 17th April. doi:10.1111/add.16504

Arnaudo MB, Elicabe E, Moodie C, Alexandrou G and Mejia R (2024). Mate, an Argentinian icon used to promote cigarettes. Tobacco Control, online 16th April. doi:10.1136/tc-2024-058605

Petrie G, Angus K and O’Donnell R (2024). A scoping review of academic and grey literature on migrant health research conducted in Scotland. BMC Public Health, 24: 1156. doi:10.1186/s12889-024-18628-1

Pesola F, Smith KM, Phillips-Waller A, Przulj D, Walton R, McRobbie H, Coleman T, Lewis S, Clark M, Ussher M, Naughton F and Hajek P (2024). Pregnant smokers can be encouraged to switch to vaping. [Letter] Addiction, online 23rd April. doi:10.1111/add.16507

Manca F, Zhang L, Fitzgerald N, Ho F, Innes H, Jani B, Katikireddi SV, McAuley A, Sharp C and Lewsey J (2024). Pharmacological treatments for alcohol dependence: Evidence on uptake, inequalities and comparative effectiveness from a UK population-based cohort. Drug and Alcohol Review, 43(5): 1183-1193. doi: 10.1111/dar.13841

Razai MS, Mansour R, Ravindran P, Freeman S, Mason-Apps C, Morris J, Majeed A, Ussher M, Hargreaves S and Oakeshott P (2024). Facilitators and barriers to vaccination uptake in pregnancy: A qualitative systematic review. PLoS One, 19(4): e0298407. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0298407

Scott NJ, Murray RL, Barker AB, Critchlow N, Best C and Semple S (2024). Tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in popular UK soap operas: a content analysis to explore changes in social norms and scene location. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, online 7th May. doi:10.1080/09687637.2024.2341006

Orina F, Amukoye E, Bowyer C, Chakaya J, Das D, Devereux G, Dobson R, Dragosits U, Gray C, Kiplimo R, Lesosky M, Loh M, Meme H, Mortimer K, Ndombi A, Pearson C, Price H, Twigg M, West S and Semple S (2024). Household carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in a large African city: an unquantified public health burden? Environmental Pollution, 351: 124054. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124054

Hoddinott P, O’Dolan C, Macaulay L, Dombrowski SU, Swingler J, Cotton S, Avenell A, Getaneh AM, Gray C, Hunt K, Kee F, MacLean A, McKinley M, Torrens C, Turner K, van der Pol M and MacLennan G (2024). Text messages with financial incentives for men with obesity: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA, 332(1): 31-40. doi: 10.1001/jama.2024.7064

Burton R, Henn C, Fitzgerald N and Sheron N (2024). The early impact of the UK’s new alcohol taxation system on product strength and price: an exploratory comparative descriptive study. Public Health, 232: 61-67. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2024.04.005

Clark MM, Cooper S, Naughton F, Ussher M, Emery J, McDaid L, Thomson R, Phillips L, Bauld L, Aveyard P, Torgerson D, Berlin I, Lewis S, Parrott S, Hewitt C, Welch C, Parkinson G, Dickinson A, Sutton S, Brimicombe J, Bowker K, McEwen A, Vedhara K and Coleman T (2024). Smoking, nicotine and pregnancy 2 (SNAP2) trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of an intervention to improve adherence to nicotine replacement therapy during pregnancy. BMJ Open, 14(5): e087175. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2024-087175

Critchlow N, Moodie C, Gallopel-Morvan K (2024). Restricting the content of alcohol advertising and including text health warnings: A between-group online experiment with a non-probability adult sample in the United Kingdom. Alcohol, Clinical and Experimental Research, 48(6): 1155-1167. doi:10.1111/acer.15327

Moodie C, Morgan AJ and Alexandrou G (2024 Online). Perceptions of gambling marketing among young adults who gamble in Ireland. International Gambling Studies, online 20th May. doi:10.1080/14459795.2024.2355907

Fitzgerald N, O’Donnell R, Uny I, Martin JG, Cook M, Graham K, Stockwell T, Hughes K, Wilkinson C, McGill E, Miller PG, Reynolds J, Quigg Z and Angus C (2024). Reducing alcohol harms whilst minimising impact on hospitality businesses: ‘Sweetspot’ policy options. International Journal of Drug Policy, 129: 104465. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104465

Jones D, Morgan A, Moodie C, Alexandrou G, Ford A and Mitchell D (2024 Online). The role of e-cigarette packaging as a health communications tool: a focus group study with adolescents and adults in England and Scotland. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, online 6th June. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntae107

Hunt K, Maclean A, Locock L, O’Dwyer C, Nettleton S, Ziebland S and Wild C (2024 Online). Young adults’ experiences of biographical retrogression whilst living with long COVID. Sociology of Health & Illness, online 12th June. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13798

Chew A, Davila G, Moodie C, Thrasher J and Barnoya J (2024 Online). Iluma-nating: IQOS variant enters the Guatemalan market. Tobacco Control, online 10th June. doi:10.1136/tc-2024-058722

Ussher M, Fleming J and Brose L (2024). Vaping during pregnancy: a systematic review of health outcomes. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 24: 435. doi:10.1186/s12884-024-06633-6

Siddiqi K, Welch C, Huque R, Iqbal R, Kanaan M, Mishu MP, Khokhar MA, Semple S and the CLASS III Trial Team (2024 Online). The effect of adult smoking behavior on children’s exposure to secondhand smoke. an analysis based on salivary cotinine levels among children in Dhaka and Karachi. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, online 19th June. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntae130

O’Donnell R, Tigova O, Teodorowski P, Villarroel-Williams N, Shevchuk A, Nesterova O, Arabska Y, Ylli A, Qirjako G, Fernández E and Semple S (2024). Supporting migrant groups to reduce tobacco-related harms and create smoke-free family environments: Future priorities and research gaps. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 22. doi:10.18332/tid/189356

Sharpe C, Bhuptani S, Jecks M, Sheron N, Henn C and Burton R (2024). Availability of alcohol on an online third-party delivery platform across London Boroughs, England: exploratory cross-sectional study. JMIR Formative Research, 8: e54587. doi:10.2196/54587

Ussher M, Best C, Lewis S, McKell J, Coleman T, Cooper S, Orton S and Bauld L (2024). Effect of 3 months and 12 months of financial incentives on 12-month postpartum smoking cessation maintenance: A randomized controlled trial. Addiction, 119(8): 1352-1363. doi:10.1111/add.16487

Awokola B, Lawin H, Johnson O, Humphrey A, Nzogo D, Zubar L, Okello G, Semple S, Awokola E, Amusa G, Mohammed N, Jewell C, Erhart A, Mortimer K, Devereux G and Mbatchou-Ngahane BH (2024). Non-communicable airway disease and air pollution in three African Countries: Benin, Cameroon and The Gambia. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Open, 1(4): 174-181. doi:10.5588/ijtldopen.23.0490

Silveira Bianchim M, Caes L, Forbat L, Jordan A, Noyes J, Thomson K, Turley R, Uny I and France EF (2024). Understanding how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience living with pain, pain management and services: a meta-ethnography. Health and Social Care Delivery Research, 12(17): 1-218. doi:10.3310/UTPM7986

Lee P, Hargreaves E, Jiang Y, Calder A, Marsh S, Gray C, Hunt K, Eyles H, Draper N, Heke I, Kara S, Maddison R and Gao L (2024). Long-term cost-effectiveness analysis of rugby fans in training-New Zealand: a body weight reduction programme for males. BMJ Open, 14(7): e073740. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073740

Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Morgan A, Jones D, Moodie C, Hunt K and Angus K (2024 Online). A content analysis of nicotine descriptors on the front of vape packaging in the United Kingdom. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, online 25th July. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntae168

Moodie C, Alexandrou G and Siddiqi K (2024 Online). Chasing a buzz: developments in the nicotine pouch market in the UK. Tobacco Control, online 1st August. doi:10.1136/tc-2024-058679

O’Donnell R, Dobson R and Semple S (2024 Online). “Why should care workers be any different from prison workers?” A qualitative study of second-hand smoke exposure during home-care visits and potential measures to eliminate exposure. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, online 19th August. doi:10.1093/annweh/wxae069

Smith BJ, Maiorana A, Ntoumanis N, McVeigh JA, McCaffrey TA, Kerr DA, Hillis G, Wright H, Ng H, Legrand S, Donald F, Hunt K, McDonald MD and Quested E (2024). An Australian football themed health behaviour change intervention for men with cardiovascular disease is feasible and acceptable: results from a feasibility randomised trial. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 33(9): 1365-1378. doi:10.1016/j.hlc.2024.03.012