Health and Safety Committee

The Health and Safety Committee (HSC) meets twice each year and has representation from all parts of the University including the unions. The Health and Safety Committee reports directly to the University Court.

Remit and constitution

  1. To consider all issues relating to the management and implementation of Health and Safety and to advise the University Court thereon.
  2. To develop objectives and actions necessary to ensure compliance and continual improvement in Health and Safety performance.


  • Senior Deputy Principal

Committee Secretary

  • SEC Secretary


  • University Secretary
  • Deputy Secretary
  • Executive Director of Estates and Campus Services
  • Executive Director of HR and OD
  • Executive Director of Information Services
  • Head of Safety, Environment, Security and Continuity
  • University of Stirling Students' Union President
  • Staff Representative nominated by the University Secretary and appointed by JPPRC
  • One of three Faculty Members of staff nominated by Deans of Faculty and appointed by JPPRC
  • Two of three Faculty Members of staff nominated by Deans of Faculty and appointed by JPPRC
  • Three of three Faculty Members of staff nominated by Deans of Faculty and appointed by JPPRC
  • Member appointed by Unite
  • Member appointed by UCU
  • Member appointed by UNISON
  • Representative from Commercial Services nominated by the Executive Director and appointed by JPPRC
  • Representative from Sports Development Services nominated by the Executive Director and appointed by JPPRC
  • Representative from MacRobert Arts Centre nominated by the Executive Director and appointed by JPPRC
  • University Fire, Health & Safety Officer
  • Representative from Occupational Health nominated by Occupational Health
  • Representative from University of Stirling's Student Union Management nominated by the Students' Union
  • University Radiation Protection Adviser