Feedback on student work

Reflecting on assessment feedback is a key part of the learning process. Assessment feedback lets you know what you did well and what you could improve on and how to do well in the future.

The University takes feedback very seriously and, along with the Students’ Union, has developed a student guide to assessment feedback. This guide is based on the Assessment Feedback Policy.

Student guide to assessment feedback

Assessment feedback is a crucial part of your learning experience at the University of Stirling. This guide explains what assessment feedback is, what you can expect from it, your responsibilities and sources of support.

What is assessment feedback?

Feedback is guidance that highlights strengths and weaknesses in your work, indicating how to improve in the future. Feedback can be informal or formal, individual or group-based, and can come from various sources, including peers, teaching staff, and industry professionals.

Forms of feedback include:

  • Written or oral feedback on formal assessments on Canvas or other platforms.
  • Peer feedback.
  • Outcomes of practice assessments, quizzes, and polls in class.
  • Discussions with teaching staff, mentors, and other students.
  • Generic class feedback.
  • Feedback from proofreaders.
  • Comparison to exemplars.
  • Feedback from placement providers or industry professionals.

What does good feedback practice look like?

Assessment feedback should be:

  • Constructive and Supportive: Motivating, build confidence, and support reflection.
  • Clear and Accessible: Easy to understand, without jargon, and in a format and location that is accessible.
  • Timely: Provided when it can be used to improve within the module and across the programme.
  • Goal-referenced: Indicating performance against assessment criteria and future improvement steps.
  • A Dialogue: Prompting discussion and reflection with staff and others.

During your programme you’ll receive:

  • Clear information: When you’ll get assessment feedback, what form that will take and how to access it.
  • Consistent Feedback: Feedback on all coursework that counts towards your grade and at least class-level feedback on exams.
  • Timely feedback: Returned:
    • Coursework: Within 15 working days of the relevant submission date* for coursework (excluding weekends and University holidays) and
    • Exams and dissertations: After the relevant module board for examinations and dissertations and independent study projects.

* If you submit work late, then staff are not obliged to provide assessment feedback.

If there is a delay in returning assessment feedback to you, the faculty will contact you to explain the situation and provide a new return date.

How to get the most out of assessment feedback?

During your programme you’ll be guided to become confident in interpreting and using assessment feedback to improve your work in the future. You’ll also get the chance to give others assessment feedback, which is an important skill to develop.

It’s your assessment feedback and it’s so important to help you learn, so use it wisely:

  • Read: Access and use your assessment feedback to improve future work.
  • Reflect: What went well, what can you do to improve next time?
  • Look for positives: Celebrate your strengths, don’t always focus on the negatives.
  • Discuss: Discuss your feedback with staff and other students to help you understand it more deeply and put it into context.


If you need further academic or emotional support, there is a range of support available to you.

  • Your faculty administrator: Can advise on submission of coursework and return arrangements for assessment feedback. Their contact details will be noted in the module Canvas space.
  • Your tutor or lecturer: Can discuss your feedback with you to help you take action.
  • Academic skills support: Student Learning Services can help you understand your feedback, improve your academic skills and take action.
  • Emotional or other practical support: Student Support Services can help you with you emotional wellbeing, finances and other queries: Spectrum Life is available 24 hours a day for immediate emotional support.
  • Signposting advice and complaints support: The Students’ Union Student Advice Service can support you.