Clearing advice for parents, guardians and carers

Clearing is now closed for 2024. Take a look at our undergraduate courses for 2025 entry.

Are you a parent, guardian or carer of a young person who wants to know what Clearing is all about?

Results day can be a stressful time for everyone, whatever the outcome. We share what you need to know and practical tips for supporting someone through Clearing so they find their university place.

What is Clearing?

You can be a real source of support to your student by getting to grips with the Clearing process and preparing in advance.

Clearing is part of the UCAS application process for undergraduates. It matches applicants to university places that are not yet filled. It gives students a chance to explore new options and find the right university place for them.

Thousands of UK students gained places through Clearing so it’s become a common way for students to progress to further education.

Students can use Clearing as an opportunity to secure a place at university if they:

  • didn’t receive any offers
  • declined the offers they did receive
  • exceeded their predicted grades
  • didn’t meet the criteria for conditional offers
  • applied after 30 June
  • want to change university
See our guide to Clearing for more information

Top tips for supporting your student through Clearing

Ali Clark, Head of Student Recruitment and Shona Barrie, Director of Admissions and Access give their top tips for parents, guardians and carers on how to support their student through the Clearing process.

How to prepare for results day

Follow our advice for parents, guardians and carers for results day:

  • Make sure you fully understand the UCAS Clearing process. Read our simple guide to Clearing.
  • Do your research and work with your student to identify possible universities and alternative courses they might be interested in.
  • You'll be able to register to get email updates with lots of useful information about Clearing at the University of Stirling.
  • We aim to publish our available Clearing course places later in June so there’s plenty of time to see our options before results day.
  • Most universities will have a Clearing helpline where your student can speak to an expert adviser about their options. Note down all the phone lines of the universities you think your student might want to contact. The University of Stirling’s Clearing helpline is +44 (0)1786 466166.
  • Make sure your student has updated their contact details on UCAS Hub so that their chosen universities can easily contact them.

Students can read our guide to getting prepared for Results Day.

On results day

As a parent, guardian or carer get prepared for Clearing on results day:

  • Make sure you’re available on the day to provide support.
  • It can be a nerve-wracking day but stay calm and positive and let your student know there’s still plenty of options available to them.
  • Once your student’s results are available, get them to log into UCAS Hub so they can see if they’re eligible for Clearing.

Start early

Make sure your student contacts the universities they're interested in as soon as they know their results. We need to speak to the applicant directly and can’t discuss your student’s application with you unless we have agreed consent from the student.

There’s a few things you can do to help your student get the best out of their phone call.

  • Make sure they’ve fully charged up their phone the night before.
  • They’ll need their UCAS personal ID and Clearing number as well as the details of all their qualifications.
  • Ensure they have read over their UCAS personal statement and have it to hand. The university may ask them questions around why they want to study a particular course at that university. Help them to prepare answers to these types of questions in advance.
  • Before they make contact get them to make a list of any questions they might want to ask about the university, the courses they’re interested in, or any aspect of student life such as accommodation, travel and support services.
  • Use the tools on the UCAS Hub such 'My Matches' and search tools to find courses on universities.

What happens next?

Once your student has got an initial offer over the phone they’ll be able to go onto UCAS Hub to formally accept the offer, giving the University full access to their UCAS record. They’ll then be able to start an application for accommodation as well as student funding.

Questions about Clearing?

Get in touch and talk to our admissions team about Clearing.