Top 5 University Clearing tips

Clearing is now closed for 2024. Take a look at our undergraduate courses for 2025 entry.

So you’ve read our guide to UCAS Clearing. Maybe you’ve even visited our Clearing pages and registered your interest.

But what actually happens when you pick up the phone and speak to University Admissions staff? Stirling’s own staffer Alan Waddell – student recruitment, admissions and UCAS Clearing expert – gives his top tips to help you secure a Clearing place at Stirling.

1. Don’t panic!

First things first. You need to NOT panic. Keep a level head and write down exactly what you’re going to do when you get those results through. Next, check out the University of Stirling Clearing pages – this is where we publish all the information we have available for Clearing, including course lists. If it helps, talk about your action plan before Results Day with your parent, teacher or a friend.

2. Ask us questions

Once the Clearing process starts and you start talking to universities, things can happen really quickly. Make sure that you fully understand everything that’s being said to you – if you don’t, ask us lots of questions. There are no silly questions and our specialist staff are here to help you.

You’ll be committing to studying (and living) here for a number of years, so you should ask any burning questions about the University of Stirling, clubs and facilities, accommodation or life in Stirling, before you sign on the dotted line.

students talking in union

3. Be prepared for UCAS Clearing

Make sure you have all relevant information to hand before you phone us. You’ll need:

  • UCAS personal ID Number
  • results
  • UCAS Personal Statement

Having all this ready WILL make things run smoothly for both you and us. We may ask you questions about your personal statement or what motivates you for a particular course, so try and think about this before you call.

4. Speak to us as soon as possible

Things can happen quickly during the UCAS Clearing process. It’s important to get in touch with us as early as you can – our Clearing helpline will be open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, with extended hours around Scottish and A-Level Results Days.


Gemma Connell of the University of Stirling working during UCAS Clearing. She is wearing a headset and operating a computer, whilst answering Clearing calls.

Gemma and the team will be available to take your calls.

5. Keep calm

This one speaks for itself. Keep calm, and have an open mind – you may not get the course of your dreams depending on your results, but there may be another course out there for you. The best thing to do is start talking to us through our Clearing Helpline so we can help you and talk through your options.

Questions about Clearing?

Get in touch and talk to our admissions team about Clearing.