Halloween Extravaganza

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Queen's CourtBooking requiredFree
Image: Halloween Extravaganza

Join our free Halloween Extravaganza events from 4:00pm, in Queens Court, on Monday 28 October or Tuesday 29 October. This event is running in partnership with Macrobert Arts Centre as part of the BeConnected programme.

Come along to carve or paint your own pumpkin, craft some spooky creations, and enjoy some tasty nibbles. This event is designed to help you enjoy your time on campus, take a breather from studies/work, meet new people, and learn a new trick or two!

Sound fab? Simply book your preferred date and time via the link.

When booking, please ensure you only select ONE 1hr timeslot to ensure the maximum amount of people are able to attend. The hour is plenty of time to pimp your pumpkin and we will send out a further email nearer the date to confirm final details.


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