Research news

Latest stories from the University of Stirling

Misinformation targeted by Stirling researcher

Tackling false information in news reports, the public sphere and on social media will be the focus of a world-first event co-organised by a University of Stirling researcher.


New research will improve diagnosis of antenatal anxiety

A landmark study by experts at the University of Stirling will help health professionals improve the identification of severe and problematic anxiety in pregnant women.

anxiety in pregnancy

Stirling experts to study wildlife trade in Central Africa

The University of Stirling will receive around £390,000 as part of a new multi-million pound project aiming to make trade a positive force for both marginalised people and nature conservation.


Scottish Minister learns about University's work on ageing and dementia

Scottish Government Minister for Older People, Christina McKelvie MSP, visited the University of Stirling to hear about its work on ageing and dementia.

Four women in a row with hills behind

Enhanced research reporting method to improve patient care

Patients could benefit from improved care and outcomes thanks to new research guidance developed as part of a University of Stirling-led study.

doctor and patient

Media and communications conference makes Scottish debut at Stirling

A major UK media and communications conference starts at the University of Stirling today – the first time it has been held in Scotland.

Dr Alenka Jelen

Experts warn against mega-dams in lowland tropical forests

Mega-dams should not be built in lowland tropical forest regions due to the threat they pose to biodiversity and ecosystems, according to experts at the University of Stirling.

Islands created by mega dam

Researchers awarded three-year fellowships to address needs of society

Eight researchers have been awarded Anniversary Fellowships by the University of Stirling to carry out research which addresses the needs of society.

Group of eight people standing under three University umbrellas

Lifetime achievement award for Sir George Reid

University of Stirling Professorial Fellow Sir George Reid has won Scotland’s top award for public service.

Sir George Reid and John Swinney MSP

Plain packaging sparked tobacco price rises, new study finds

The introduction of plain tobacco packaging led to an increase in the price of leading products, according to new research from the University of Stirling.

Woman smoking cigarette

Global survey of news photographers reveals financial challenges

An international study of news photographers – authored by University of Stirling academics – has revealed a sharp decline in the number working full-time.

University of Stirling campus

£1.85m study to investigate microbes “hitch-hiking” on marine plastics

Experts at the University of Stirling will lead a new £1.85 million project investigating how marine plastics transport bacteria and viruses – and the impact that may have on human health.

Marine plastics

Reduction in drink-drive limit has not reduced the number of accidents, study finds

The lowering of the legal blood alcohol limit for drivers in Scotland has had no impact on the number of road traffic accidents, a new study involving the University of Stirling has found.

Person opens car

Data science “valuable” to mental health research

A review involving experts from the University of Stirling has suggested new ways in which big data could enhance the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions.

Mental health thumbnail

Stirling academic helps shape landmark human rights report

The First Minister of Scotland’s advisory group on human rights leadership – which includes a University of Stirling academic – has recommended a new framework to improve people’s daily lives.

Katie Boyle and Nicola Sturgeon

‘Real-life Game of Thrones’ Scots history show stars Stirling academic

A major BBC history series focusing on Scotland’s clans features expertise from a senior University of Stirling academic.

Professor Richard Oram

Scottish Government steering group on clean air appoints Stirling academic

A steering group set up by the Scottish Government to help improve air quality in Scotland has appointed a University of Stirling academic.

Image of white cloud in blue sky

Experts preparing for invasion of “dangerous” plant bacteria

Scientists from the University of Stirling are working to tackle the potential introduction and spread of a devastating plant pathogen into the UK as part of a new £4.85 million study.


Stirling academic goes off-piste to explore risk in new short movie

A short movie exploring skiing and the philosophy of risk is to feature expertise from a University of Stirling academic.

Image from Comfort Zones movie

UK Cabinet minister visits University of Stirling

A senior UK Government minister has visited the University of Stirling where he endorsed ambitious plans to create two multi-million-pound international research centres on campus.

David Lidington CBE MP and Professor Malcolm MacLeod

University experts awarded £100k to evaluate domestic abuse programme

Academics from the University of Stirling have been awarded nearly £100,000 to evaluate a community project that aims to reduce acceptance of domestic violence.

Head and shoulders shot of woman in red top

Human rights report unveiled by Scottish Parliament committee

The Scottish Parliament should be an international human rights leader, according to a report citing research by a University of Stirling academic.

Image of Dr Katie Boyle

Stirling experts working on NASA’s latest mission to Mars

Two University of Stirling scientists are working on NASA’s latest mission in an attempt to understand more about the formation and early evolution of Mars, Earth and other rocky planets.


€2.6 million transport project to identify women’s needs

The University of Stirling has received a share of €2.6 (£2.3) million to create fairer and more inclusive transport systems that consider the needs of women as both users and employees.

man with grey hair and beard in shirt and tie

Occupational health study links air pollution and cancer

University of Stirling experts have discovered new evidence of the link between air pollution and cancer as part of a new occupational health study.


Climate change predicted to end truffle production

The lucrative truffle industry is set to disappear within a generation due to climate change, according to new research by a University of Stirling academic.


Ambassador to outline Slovakia’s key anniversaries in Stirling talk

Seminal points in the history of Slovakia will be explored in a lecture by the country’s ambassador to the UK.

University of Stirling campus

Digital design should embed ethical and political values

Digital developers should consider the ethical and political values of their users – rather than focusing solely on their needs – a University of Stirling-led report has said.

young people sitting in a row looking at mobile phones

Establishing responsibility for the impacts of climate change

The links between climate change impacts – including storms, wildfires and environmental damage – and human rights obligations will be debated at a public event involving a University of Stirling academic at the London School of Economics.


Stirling academic outlines options for strengthening human rights laws and addressing poverty in Scotland

Scotland can show the world how human rights can be effectively enshrined in law, a Scottish Human Rights Commission report authored by a University of Stirling academic has suggested.

Image of Dr Katie Boyle

Experts call for a targeted approach to cancer prevention

Policymakers around the world should consider introducing more targeted early interventions in a bid to tackle cancer, according to experts at the University of Stirling.


Inequalities between schools preparing pupils for university

Students from high attaining state schools are better prepared for the university application process than their peers in more deprived areas, new research by the University of Stirling has found.

form with accepted stamp and pen

Life and work of Scots filmmaker and poet celebrated

A centenary celebration of a leading Scots filmmaker and poet officially begins next month.

Image of filmmaker and poet Margaret Tait

Hidden costs in education system impact on Scotland’s poorest families

Hidden costs in the education system – such as school trips and uniform - are impacting on children and families living in poverty, a report by Dr Morag Treanor, from the University of Stirling, has found.

head shot of Morag Treanor

One in 10 people may opt-out of proposed organ donor system

A new study has revealed that around one in 10 people are considering opting out of a proposed new system that aims to increase organ donation by presuming consent.

Domestic abuse legislation should recognise children as victims

Children who experience domestic abuse should be recognised by law as victims and not merely as witnesses, University of Stirling child expert Professor Jane Callaghan has claimed.

Head and shoulders shot of woman in red top

Beavers’ impact on biodiversity revealed

Beaver-built ponds are far more biodiverse than other wetlands, new research from the University of Stirling has revealed.

Experts identify the key to The Daily Mile’s success

The Daily Mile initiative has enjoyed worldwide success thanks to its simplicity, flexibility and adaptability, according to new research led by the University of Stirling.

SME business owners need skills to adapt to Brexit

A new report by Dr Oliver Mallett at the University of Stirling, which looked at how regulations affect small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), has called on policymakers to help prepare them for Brexit by providing them with the skills to adapt to changes.

Head and shoulders shot of man with beard in blue shirt

Housing experts call for a Commissioner for Ageing

A University of Stirling-led report has called for a Commissioner for Ageing in England and Scotland – similar to the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales – to ensure that people are able to age in the right place.

head and shoulders shot of woman wearing glasses, off-white jacket and black top

Public relations in spotlight at anniversary event

Experts from the field of UK public relations will gather for debates at the University of Stirling – as the institution marks 30 years of teaching and researching the subject area.

Dr Alenka Jelen

Stirling scientist observes arrival of lander on asteroid

A team of international scientists – including a University of Stirling academic – have marked a major milestone in the high-profile Hayabusa2 mission.

outer space

Climate change laws explored by Stirling expert

The UK Government’s approach to tackling climate change via legislation has been examined by a University of Stirling academic.

An image of the university campus

Climate change is causing the Arctic’s plants to grow taller

Global warming is enabling Arctic tundra plants to grow taller, according to new research involving a University of Stirling scientist.


Impact of narrowing school curriculum on pupil outcomes

A narrowing of the curriculum in secondary schools could impact on student outcomes – particularly for those from deprived backgrounds - according to research carried out by academics at the University of Stirling.

students in an exam

Looked after children wait years for adoption, new study finds

A University of Stirling-led study tracking the progress of 1,836 looked-after children, has found they can wait years to be adopted.

Girl with red, curly hair eating a sandwich with man and woman in the background

Fly mating choices may help explain variation across species

Scientists at the University of Stirling have shed new light on the impact of sexual selection on species diversity after studying the mating rituals of dance flies.

Dance fly

Don’t miss a trick with free bridge session

A free Bridge session is being offered to local residents, staff and students, as part of a University of Stirling research project into the health and well-being benefits of playing the card game.

Head and shoulders shot of woman

Study reveals impact of habitat fragmentation on migrant birds

Experts at the University of Stirling have shed new light on the impact of habitat fragmentation on migrant birds.

Willow warbler sitting in a tree.

Innovative approach to repeat offending shows promise

The Aberdeen Problem-Solving Approach, which aims to reduce the use of custodial sentences and cut reoffending for persistent offenders, has the potential to be extended to other areas, after a new report published today said it “shows promise”.

Head and shoulders shot of woman in red top