Research news

Latest stories from the University of Stirling

New research to put COVID-19 local authority spending in the spotlight

The University of Stirling is launching major new research to investigate how local authority spending across the UK can deliver maximum benefit to communities in the wake of COVID-19.

An image of a loch

Researchers explore ‘face blindness’ in children

Researchers have launched a new study into a little-known phenomenon which prevents people from recognising members of their own immediate family or sometimes even their own reflection.

A jigsaw piece labelled 'prosopagnosia' being placed into a jigsaw of the human brain.

New study to improve mental health of farmers and crofters

Experts will explore the best interventions to help support the mental health and wellbeing of Scotland’s farming and crofting communities, as part of a new study.

A farmer gazes out towards a field of sheep.

Scientists able to predict epidemic size and evolution in ‘world-first’

Scientists at the University of Stirling have been able to unpick what determines the size and evolution of disease in a first-of-its-kind study.

Taken from above, image shows rows of circle ponds laid out on grass and surrounded by a fence

New study questions whether pubs can effectively and consistently prevent COVID-19 transmission risks

A new first-of-its-kind study has questioned whether pub operators can effectively and consistently prevent COVID-19 transmission – after researchers observed risks arising in licensed premises last summer.

Dimly-lit pub bar

University welcomes investment in marine aquaculture through Argyll and Bute Rural Growth Deal

A new package of investment for Scotland’s aquaculture sector – to be delivered through a partnership that includes the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture – has been welcomed by researchers.

salmon cages

New law network to tackle academic and professional silos

A University of Stirling law professor is launching an innovative new body to bring together and promote all sectors of the profession in Scotland.

Dr Guido Noto La Diega. Head and shoulders photo of a man with very short dark hair, stubble and moustache wearing a shirt, tie and suit jacket looking directly to camera.

New research to look at how home tech can support those living with dementia

Experts at the University of Stirling are launching a new research project to find out how technology can better support residents in retirement living schemes and those living with long-term conditions such as dementia.

An image of a loch

New project explores how live music can boost young people’s mental health

A new multi-partner research project – involving the University of Stirling – will examine the impact of live music experiences on the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.

A string quartet.

Review group chaired by Stirling expert publishes towns report

An independent review – led by a leading retail expert at the University of Stirling – has outlined recommendations to support greener, healthier, fairer and inclusive towns and town centres.

St Andrews

Study into children’s short, emergency admissions to hospital

Experts are exploring a rise in the number of short, unplanned admissions of children to hospital – and are appealing for parents to share their experiences as part of the study.

Child in hospital

Landlords play vital role in helping tenants create a home, say experts

A new study from UK housing experts has found that landlords play a significant role in tenants’ ability to feel ‘at home’.

Photo of a row of 'to rent' signs

£375k study launched to explore experiences of ‘long COVID’

A new £375,000 study led by the University of Stirling is seeking to understand the lived experiences and support needs of people suffering from the long-term effects of COVID-19.


New research reveals the resilience of Scots pine trees to drought

The effect of extreme drought on Scots pine trees has been examined as part of a University of Stirling study, which could have implications for climate change efforts across the world.

scots pine

Research project to study the impact of COVID fear

A multi-disciplinary team of researchers at the University of Stirling is launching a new study to consider how the fear of COVID-19 is impacting the lives of the over-50s, after receiving a major funding grant.

Elderly man wearing mask

Research uncovers secrets of historic Dunfermline Abbey ahead of 200th anniversary

A unique research project has uncovered evidence of the original layout of the choir of Scotland’s historic Dunfermline Abbey – home of the final resting place of Robert the Bruce – for the first time.

Dunfermline Abbey photographed at night

Bees versus flies – which flex their muscles most?

New research by experts at the University of Stirling has debunked existing assumptions about why hoverflies use different techniques for pollination than those used by bees.


Stirling leads project to support international aquaculture research

Experts from the University of Stirling will deliver a new project that will further enhance the European aquaculture sector’s access to innovative and world-class scientific research.

world map

University of Stirling appointed as host of Scotland’s Hydro Nation Chair

The University of Stirling will host and lead a £3.5m initiative to make Scotland a global leader in water research.

world map

New report highlights barriers to accessing housing for ex-Service personnel

New research published today [8th December] highlights the challenges Service leavers face accessing and sustaining housing after leaving the Armed Forces, despite improvements made in recent years.

Hand of person in military uniform holding a key up

Stirling ageing expert to speak at international ‘futures’ event

A leading expert in ageing from the University of Stirling is to give a talk to an international symposium exploring the needs, hopes and responsibilities of different age groups and our futures.

Melanie Lovatt

Stirling research evaluates effectiveness of conservation efforts

New research from the University of Stirling into the effectiveness of international conservation projects could help to save endangered species from extinction.

A sea turtle swimming

Stirling research on socio-environmental disasters receives £1m funding

A project seeking to support marginalised South African communities suffering from climate change-induced or exacerbated crises has been launched at the University of Stirling.

South Africa

University of Stirling launches study to support climate resilience policy in Rwanda

Experts at the University of Stirling have been awarded a share of £200,000 to support marginalised groups impacted by severe flooding and drought in Rwanda.

Rural flooding in Nkamira, North West Rwanda, Africa

New study reveals impact of face masks on person identification

Research by experts at the University of Stirling has revealed the impact that the increased wearing of face masks may be having on people’s ability to recognise each other.

face mask

£3.85m Stirling-led study to tackle impact of plastic pollution in Africa

A new £3.85 million study – led by the University of Stirling – is aiming to understand the public health risks and environmental impact of plastic pollution in developing countries.

world map

Aquaculture sustainability can be improved through collaboration with agriculture, experts say

A collaborative approach with the agriculture sector – specifically around plant biotechnology – is key to the sustainability of aquaculture, according to experts.

Salmon farm in the Highlands

Scotland players must shut out the importance of Euro play-off to succeed, says top psychologist

Scotland players must focus on their own individual performances rather than become distracted by the significance of tonight’s Euro 2020 play-off final if they are to triumph, according to a top sports psychologist.


New fellows join research partnership to mitigate climate-change related disasters in South Africa

Four new postdoctoral fellows have joined a research project partnership supporting marginalised communities in South Africa suffering from climate-change induced crises.

South African Township

Social distancing is increasing loneliness in older adults

Social distancing introduced in response to COVID-19 is increasing feelings of loneliness in Scotland’s older population and impacting their wellbeing, according to a new University of Stirling study.

Social distancing

Voluntary action and Covid-19 – new research will explore lessons learnt and recommendations for UK recovery

Experts from across academia and the voluntary sector are to carry out a major research project into the role of voluntary action in the Covid-19 pandemic – exploring the challenges, what worked well and making recommendations to inform planning for future crises.

Delivery guy with protective mask and gloves delivering groceries during lockdown and pandemic.

New £1.1m study to assess impact of bar/club opening hours on emergency services

A new £1.1 million study led by the University of Stirling is seeking to understand recent changes in opening hours for bars and nightclubs, and how these changes impact on health, crime levels, and emergency services in Scotland.


University signs Researcher Development Concordat

The University of Stirling has become a signatory of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

An image of a loch

Stirling academic’s research plays part in new opera

Research by a University of Stirling academic has underpinned one of the first performances to be live streamed from the Royal Opera House.

An image of a loch

Stirling researchers to uncover Scotland’s hidden reading history

Experts at the University of Stirling have been awarded £1m for a unique project aiming to uncover the history of reading in Scotland from 1750 to 1830.

18th Century lady and gentleman reading books in a library

Stirling academic wins prestigious global award

A University of Stirling academic has received a prestigious international award in recognition of their research, which has benefits for animal welfare and sustainable food production.

world map

Bumblebee reproduction at heightened risk from radiation

New research by experts at the University of Stirling has revealed the reproduction rates of bumblebees living in radiation-contaminated areas, such as Chernobyl, are more severely impacted than previously thought.

Bumblebees on a flower

Stirling expert part of international team combatting marine plastic pollution

A University of Stirling expert will lead a project researching the sources, impacts, and degradation of microplastics, as part of an international collaboration to combat marine plastic pollution in Southeast Asia.

world map

Stirling child trafficking experts publish research

A team of experts from the University of Stirling commissioned by the Scottish Government to research the professional response to child trafficking in Scotland has published its research.

Child's hand holding a white teddy bear

Stirling philosopher recognised with £1m of UK government support

A University of Stirling academic has been recognised as a rising star of research after being awarded more than £1m for an innovative new project.

The word research spelled out in blocks sitting on top of a pile of books

University signs Norwegian partnership

The University of Stirling is expanding its international partnerships after signing a new agreement with the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU).

University of Stirling Campus

Stirling and Gabonese experts lead research into impact of climate change on rainforest elephants

Experts from the University of Stirling, working closely with the Government of Gabon, have led an international study into the impact of climate change on Central Africa’s rainforests and the threat posed to elephant populations in the region.

A family of elephants

Forth Valley 5G hub to enhance major University project

A flagship 5G innovation hub to be created in the Forth Valley will enhance a new multi-million-pound environmental monitoring project led by the University of Stirling and BT Group.


Stirling expert informs new study on chimpanzee behaviour

A University of Stirling academic has informed a new international study researching chimpanzee behaviour and its implications for understanding the drivers of human evolution.

A chimpanzee stroking its chin while contemplating

Ground-breaking care system study awarded £0.5m

Researchers led by the University of Stirling have won a £500,000 award from the Nuffield Foundation and a philanthropic donor, to carry out the next stage of ground-breaking work intended to improve the lives of children who become "looked-after" by the care systems.

Two children holding hands

World-leading “living laboratory” for central Scotland

A state-of-the-art environmental monitoring system – the first of its kind – will be launched in central Scotland to enable businesses and organisations to make decisions based on real-time data.


Lockdown did not reduce “most harmful” type of air pollution in Scotland

The significant reduction in vehicle journeys during the COVID-19 lockdown did not reduce the level of toxic fine particles in Scotland’s air, according to experts at the University of Stirling.

COVID-19 quiet roads

New study on the literary and cultural lives of merchants in Early Modern Britain

A new University of Stirling study investigating the literary and cultural activities of merchants in Early Modern Britain could help inform present-day educational debates.

University of Stirling Campus

Professor Niamh Fitzgerald appointed Director of world-leading Institute

The University of Stirling has appointed Professor Niamh Fitzgerald as Director of its globally-recognised Institute for Social Marketing and Health (ISMH).

Professor Niamh Fitzgerald

Care homes in England had greatest increase in excess deaths at height of the COVID-19 pandemic

Care homes in England experienced the highest increase in excess deaths at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to those in the rest of the UK, according to new research.

care home