Christopher Linton

BSc Professional Practice


Christopher Linton

Chris decided to study BSc Professional Practice at the University of Stirling as it has been highly recommended by his colleagues, who enjoyed the flexible teaching method and the relevant course content.

Chris said: “The course was well informed, not just catering for those of a nursing or other health care professional background but was inclusive of those from a paramedic background, and the course content highlighted that.

“I also got to choose what modules to undertake which were of interest and relevance to my personal and professional development.

“One of the main benefits of studying whilst continuing to work full-time was that I was able to put my learning into practice on the job and further consolidate the knowledge and skills gained from the course.”

The thing that Chris enjoyed the most about the course was the distance learning aspect as it gave him the opportunity to learn in his own time whilst working full-time and around other commitments, helping with his work-life balance. He added: “The lecturers were very approachable and always had time for me when needed. I also enjoyed the online/live teams sessions which allowed me to interact with the staff and other students. It was nice to be able to put faces to names as this is often something that can be missed with online/distance learning.”

Focused on his career trajectory, Chris said: “A BSc Hons degree is now a minimum requirement for working as a Paramedic and this is something I was keen to achieve to help with career progression. Whilst I am currently working in my chosen career path, it is my goal to continue to advance my knowledge and skills and progress to study at a higher level. This goal would not be a possibility without studying at Stirling University and achieving a BSc Hons in Professional Practice.”

He added: “I really enjoyed my time studying through Stirling University. The qualification and grade I achieved of BSc Hons with Distinction is my greatest academic achievement to date and is something I am extremely proud of.”